Dear Mr. Peters,
As I sit here, in my office at my fabulously cubbied desk, a small creature, whose name is Joonbug walks past the Toyota Matrix sitting in our hilly driveway. Sibleybear aka Bibbers is at my feet, under said desk, curled up sleeping, barely waking to get the treat I place in front of her nose before dosing off again.
You, my dearest husband, are probably talking in a funny voice to 45 teenaged, hormonal, sometimes wonderful, sometimes annoying kids, making our family the money to survive. You are thinking about a million things, including the basketball game tonight. #2 of many, hoping for that 1st win of the season.
Thus far today, I have not unloaded the dishwasher, but I did check on the chickens. They are rooting around on the ground and actually came nearer to me when I approached. Your dog was a good dog and did not cross the white line, but sat nicely in the shade with her paws crossed.
Thus far today, I have created labels for my folders for which I would like your professional feedback before continuing. I also made myself some coffee and put in lots of vanilla syrup, snickering too myself that the coffee is perfect for me, but you, Mr. Peters, would not like it.
Thus far today, I have re-made our bed for I found when I woke the sheets were completely crooked and that I have pulled those on my side of the bed out from underneath the mattress, while those on your side are neatly tucked.
Thus far today, I have counted my blessing 2 or 3 times for I am one lucky gal. Thank you for being such a wonderful husband, friend, coach, gardener, tea maker, chicken farmer, bibbers daddy, and cook. I look forward to your return late this evening, after said win #1 where a cup of tea will be waiting for you so that you can hunker down in your chair and we can flip between Biggest Loser and House while you pretend to watch TV.
Te Amo,
Cita aka Mamacita