Internet, I've got a confession. I'm addicted to blogs... a lot of them. I had a New Year's Resolution to spend max 30 minutes, 4x per week reading blogs, but well, that went down the toilet around January 17th.
I read some creative blogs, some kid/mommy blogs and some ?? blogs.... mostly because they post on a regular basis. It's like a constant story that I get to follow. I occasionally comment and give my 2 cents but mostly I just read and enjoy.
With the pregnancy and awaiting babe, I find myself going from one blog to the next to get some perspective on parenthood and all the stuff out there. Because of the bloggers I follow, I've been on to some really great stuff- like wraps and cloth diapers and making your own baby food and taking photos to documenting life to good recipes.
Also, I've been entering in a lot more contests.... I haven't won anything just yet, but I hope to someday! Simple hosts many giveaways (it's a review site) and it's currently giving away a Kyliewrap. I'd love to win a wrap. With so many options, I'd love to get my hands on a few (made by small businesses, mostly SAHM's too!) to try them out!
Hello world!
1 year ago