I've had this to-do list running around in my head for quite some time... and I just realized that I could put it on my blog and not loose it! Genius!
Maybe having in one spot will actually allow me the satisfaction of crossing things off.... (and I'm not actually sure how to cross it off).... anyone?
Life Projects:
* Get Life Insurance for Matt and I
* Start 403b plan and putting $50/paycheck away to start
* Get a will in place
* Make a doctor's appointment with new doctor
* Talk to Financial Guy
* Get new insurance to save money
* Send Frye Boots in for stitching
* Get Library Card
* Update DMV with address
* Make Cashi's first year CD/Video montage
* Scrapbook projects
* Finish Wedding Scrapbook
* Finish Family scrapbook
* Finish College scrapbook
* Finish 2010 Project Life scrapbook
House Projects:
* Create chalkboard calendar
* Put up chalkboard calendar
* Hall Bath Renovation
* Find shelving for Hall Bath
* Obtain Mirror for Hall Bath
* Master Bath Renovation
* Paint new sink base for Master Bath Renovation
* Repaint Master Bedroom
* Knock out wall between Kitchen and Living Room
* Paint dining table
* Paint chairs
* Paint Secretary?
* Paint Chalkboard Menu Thingy
* Get shelf/Hang Shelf
* Figure out if Microwave can be fixed
Whew! Let's see where this goes...
Hello world!
1 year ago