There is so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday because it's all about family and food... two of my favorites. It turned out to be one of my favorite weekends ever. Here's a rundown:
The weekend began on Tuesday for me when Cassius and I went over to Moraga to make some desserts for the weekend. Sue and I made a Caramel Apple Pie and Pumpkin Ice Cream pie. Cash was in the wrap the entire time- sleeping, of course.
Brett and Jody arrived that night.
Wednesday, Brett, Jody and Sue picked Cash and I up and we all went to Berkeley. First stop was Cultured- the Pickle Shop. Brett and Jody (and Sue) love exotic food, so they enjoyed all the fermented stuff. I tried a dill pickle, but that was it. Cash slept through the entire thing. After the pickle shop, we headed to my kind of shop- Ici, the ice cream shop!
I had one of the best ice creams ever- Brown Sugar Oatmeal Raisin. So delicious! Cash slept and ate in the sling the entire time!
Matt met us in Moraga for lamb meatballs (can you see a food theme here?) while I enjoyed my Mango sausage since lamb is not on my favorite list. Still, it was a great time and enjoyed the Caramel Apple Pie a day early- yummy!
Thursday we enjoyed a morning together, and then headed back over to Moraga for a round of disc golf and Thanksgiving with the Bennetts and the Robbins. Chuck and Marby's son is engaged and Beth and Collin are pregnant with a boy! Yeah! The food was delicious but Cash didn't really want to cooperate at the table! He woke up just as we were sitting down, so Matt and I ate in the kitchen and I swayed and walked to keep Cash quiet. After some Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream (amazing!), we headed home.
Friday, Matt and Brett went into the city with Bacony to play disc golf at Golden Gate Park while Jody and I went up to the Glenview to get pedicures! We both got variations of red- which is a rarity for me, but festive none the less. Sue stayed at home with Cash, where he proceeded to sleep in her arms the entire time! We went back over to Moraga for leftovers and then came home and crashed.
On Saturday, we went to Pacifica to the beach and the pier. It was Cash's 2nd trip to the beach since his birth and his first to the pier and he, again, slept the entire time. We finished off the evening with Sushi at Samurai Sushi Boat. Cash was actually awake for the entire time and content looking at the lights. At Samurai, they sing dim the lights and play some funky music to celebrate people's birthday.... after the 1st celebration, the waitress came by and was worried about him, but he did just fine.
Sunday was a lazy day at home filled with sleeping in, a bit of shopping and putzing around the house.... A perfect and busy weekend, in deed.
Hello world!
1 year ago