A quite nice Saturday- We got up kinda early and headed to the farmers market. Only picked up Kiwi's but I got my Starbucks :) Putzed around the rest of the morning, prepped the walls with plaster for painting- color undecided- and hung out with Amy. I took the idea from "A"'s blog about a word for the year. Mine is creativity. It's something I really want to focus on, so I'm making a scrapbook for my creative endeavors- mostly photography- for the year. As dog training because a higher priority I hope that I can keep up with the creativity as well. Does dog training count as creativity?
We booked out tickets to Witch Lake (photo above) tonight for Memorial Day weekend! I can't wait!
I'm off to bed to try to get through a few more chapters/pages in The History of the World in 6 Glasses. I'm not a huge fan, but I'd like to at least get a little farther along so I can participate for tomorrows book club.
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