Left the house by 8:30am, with car re-positioning complete! Only left-behind item thus far is my SIGG bottle full of apple juice/water.
Turned off the 101 to get to the 1 around Cloverdale at which point Matt suggested we keep going until Boonville to get gas. Also around said time, he asked what my maximum mileage was on a tank of gas. I responded 305 last time I filled up and we were on, oh, about 325.
Matt swears he saw a fake horse, to which I debated heavily, resulting in a turn around to verify, by golly, that the horse had moved and was indeed real.
Coasted into Boonville thanks to 8% grade for next 2 miles. First pregnancy comment the minute I stepped out of the car.
Stopped by the Farmer's Market where they were giving away free kittens! Kittens!!!
Continued up the 1, stopped at a beach and saw a guy bring 3 large fish, of which one was a really red snapper, to his car. Also saw a girl put her dog on a boogie board and push him around- so cute!

As we were almost to the 101, we spotted the Drive Thru Tree!! Yeah! I couldn't believe it! It's still open. We drove through, we made it, we loved it!
Stopped in Arcata for dinner and had some yummy, yummy organic ice cream. One scoop of vanilla honey lavendar and one scoop of mint chip. Delish!
Saw a few elk, including a huge bull elk, in a meadow!

Got to our campsite, which rocks and backs up to a little babbling brook/creek. Started to put our tent up and a tent pole broke. We rigged it with 2 pens, a tent stake and duct tape. Thank goodness for duct tape.
Took a walk around camp, then played cribbage (Matt won) and then off to bed!
If you're still in the Arcata area (Patrick's Point? Prarie Creek??) stop by Fern Canyon on your way thru...it's my FAVE!!!
Have fun!
The part about the horse cracked me up. That so sounds like a moment that my husband and I would encounter. lol.
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