Dearest Little Bean,
You gave your mom and dad a bit of a scare on Monday night. Tenaya, the midwife, came over and all was going well. My vitals were great and you are measuring right on track at 37.5 (is it centimeters or millimeters?). But then she listened to your hear rate and it was in the low range.
Because it's a bit out of the normal range, she sent us to Alta Bates for some monitoring. You were quite the slow one on the monitor- between 102-120 but mostly hanging around the 112 range. Perhaps you were sleeping or needing more ice cream??
We went in for an ultrasound and the tech said you were perfect. It was your first perfect score of your life (that we know of anyway). You got an 8/8. We got to see your heart beat, your chest rise and fall and your legs and hands move a bit. It seems that after a few minutes though, you were a lazy one and didn't want to move any more, even with repeated attempts of me poking you.
Your dad says it was just the beginning of perfect scores... so prepare yourself for some high expectations from your father. I, on the other hand, would love some perfect scores, but I'll settle for happiness.
The nurse at the hospital said, although your hear rate is on the lower range of normal, it looks good. She sent us home with happy wishes for your arrival.
Since Monday night, you have been moving and kicking like gangbusters at certain times. Other times, you are just quiet. Your dad was amazed at your movements while we watched tv.
I'll wrap up this letter by saying "We're ready for you! We cant' wait to meet you! Get out of my belly!"
Your Mama
Hello world!
1 year ago
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